Source code for mdf_connect_client.mdfcc

from datetime import datetime
import json

import globus_sdk
import mdf_toolbox
from nameparser import HumanName
import requests

from .version import __version__

CONNECT_ALL_STATUS_ROUTE = "/submissions/"
CURATION_SUMMARY_STR = ("{source_id} by {submitter}\nWaiting since {waiting_since}"
    "accept": "This submission has been accepted because it meets the appropriate standards",
    "reject": ("This submission has been rejected because it does not meet the "
               "appropriate standards")

[docs]class MDFConnectClient: """The MDF Connect Client is the Python client to easily submit datasets to MDF Connect.""" __app_name = "MDF_Connect_Client" __client_id = "fcb9bf5a-4492-4e25-970f-510b69abc964" __login_services = ["mdf_connect", "mdf_connect_dev"] __allowed_authorizers = [ globus_sdk.AccessTokenAuthorizer, globus_sdk.RefreshTokenAuthorizer, globus_sdk.ClientCredentialsAuthorizer, globus_sdk.NullAuthorizer ]
[docs] def __init__(self, test=False, service_instance=None, authorizer=None): """Create an MDF Connect Client. Arguments: test (bool): When ``False``, the dataset will be processed normally. When ``True``, the dataset will be processed, but submitted to test/sandbox/temporary resources instead of live resources. This includes the ``mdf-test`` Search index and test DOIs minted with MDF Publish. **Default:** ``False`` service_instance (str): The instance of the MDF Connect API to use. This value should not normally be changed from the default. **Default:** ``None``, to use the default API instance. authorizer (globus_sdk.GlobusAuthorizer): The authorizer to use for authentication. This value should not normally be changed from the default. **Default:** ``None``, to run the standard authentication flow. Returns: *MDFConnectClient*: An initialized, authenticated MDF Connect Client. """ self.test = test self.update = False if (service_instance == "prod" or service_instance == "production" or service_instance is None): self.service_loc = CONNECT_SERVICE_LOC elif service_instance == "dev" or service_instance == "development": self.service_loc = CONNECT_DEV_LOC else: raise ValueError("'service_instance' must be 'prod' or 'dev', not '{}'" .format(service_instance)) self.extract_route = CONNECT_EXTRACT_ROUTE self.status_route = CONNECT_STATUS_ROUTE self.all_status_route = CONNECT_ALL_STATUS_ROUTE self.curation_route = CONNECT_CURATION_ROUTE self.all_curation_route = CONNECT_ALL_CURATION_ROUTE self.curation_summary_template = CURATION_SUMMARY_STR self.default_curation_reasons = DEFAULT_CURATION_REASONS self.md_update_route = CONNECT_MD_UPDATE_ROUTE self.reset_submission() login_service = "mdf_connect" if self.service_loc == CONNECT_SERVICE_LOC else "mdf_connect_dev" if any([isinstance(authorizer, allowed) for allowed in self.__allowed_authorizers]): self.__authorizer = authorizer else: self.__authorizer = mdf_toolbox.login(services=self.__login_services, client_id=self.__client_id, app_name=self.__app_name).get(login_service) if not self.__authorizer: raise ValueError("Unable to authenticate")
[docs] def logout(self): """Log out by removing cached tokens and discarding the client's authorizer. Also clear the current submission, as it cannot be interacted with. """ self.reset_submission() self.__authorizer = None mdf_toolbox.logout(client_id=self.__client_id, app_name=self.__app_name) return "Logged out. You must create a new MDF Connect Client to log back in."
@property def version(self): return __version__ # *********************************************** # * Mandatory inputs # ***********************************************
[docs] def create_dc_block(self, title, authors, affiliations=None, publisher=None, publication_year=None, resource_type=None, description=None, dataset_doi=None, related_dois=None, subjects=None, **kwargs): """Create your submission's dc block. This block is the DataCite block. Additional information on DataCite fields is available from the official DataCite website: Arguments: title (str or list of str): The title(s) of the dataset. authors (str or list of str): The author(s) of the dataset. The name will be automatically parsed into given name and family name. publisher (str): The publisher of the dataset (not an associated paper). **Default:** The Materials Data Facility. publication_year (int or str): The year of dataset publication. **Default:** The current year. resource_type (str): The type of resource. Except in unusual cases, this should be ``"Dataset"``. **Default:** ``"Dataset"`` affiliations (str or list of str or list of list of str): The affiliations of the authors, in the same order. If a different number of affiliations are given, all affiliations will be applied to all authors. Multiple affiliations can be given as a list. **Default:** ``None`` for no affiliations for any author. Examples:: authors = ["Fromnist, Alice", "Fromnist; Bob", "Cathy Multiples"] # All authors are from NIST affiliations = "NIST" # All authors are from both NIST and UChicago affiliations = ["NIST", "UChicago"] # Alice and Bob are from NIST, Cathy is from NIST and UChicago affliliations = ["NIST", "NIST", ["NIST", "UChicago"]] # This is incorrect! If applying affiliations to all authors, # lists must not be nested. affiliations = ["NIST", ["NIST", "UChicago"], "Argonne", "Oak Ridge"] description (str): A description of the dataset. **Default:** ``None`` for no description. dataset_doi (str): The DOI for this dataset (not an associated paper). **Default:** ``None`` related_dois (str or list of str): DOIs related to this dataset, not including the dataset's own DOI (for example, an associated paper's DOI). **Default:** ``None`` subjects (str or list of str): Subjects (in Datacite terminology) or tags related to the dataset. **Sefault:** ``None`` Any further keyword arguments will be added to the DataCite metadata (the dc block). These arguments should be valid DataCite, as listed in the MDF Connect documentation. This is completely optional. """ if not title and not authors: raise TypeError("'title' and 'authors' are required arguments.") if not title: raise TypeError("'title' is a required arguments.") if not authors: raise TypeError("'authors' is a required argument.") # titles if not isinstance(title, list): title = [title] titles = [{"title": t} for t in title] # creators if not isinstance(authors, list): authors = [authors] if not affiliations: affiliations = [] elif not isinstance(affiliations, list): affiliations = [affiliations] if not len(authors) == len(affiliations): affiliations = [affiliations] * len(authors) creators = [] for auth, affs in zip(authors, affiliations): name = HumanName(auth) given = "{} {}".format(name.first, name.middle).strip() family = "{} {}".format(name.last, name.suffix).strip() creator = { "creatorName": "{}, {}".format(family, given).strip(" ,"), "familyName": family, "givenName": given } if not isinstance(affs, list): affs = [affs] if affs: creator["affiliations"] = affs creators.append(creator) # publisher if not publisher: publisher = "Materials Data Facility" # publicationYear try: publication_year = str(int(publication_year)) except (ValueError, TypeError): publication_year = str( # resourceType if not resource_type: resource_type = "Dataset" dc = { "titles": titles, "creators": creators, "publisher": publisher, "publicationYear": publication_year, "resourceType": { "resourceTypeGeneral": "Dataset", "resourceType": resource_type } } # descriptions if description: dc["descriptions"] = [{ "description": description, "descriptionType": "Other" }] # identifier if dataset_doi: dc["identifier"] = { "identifier": dataset_doi, "identifierType": "DOI" } # relatedIdentifiers if related_dois: if not isinstance(related_dois, list): related_dois = [related_dois] dc["relatedIdentifiers"] = [{ "relatedIdentifier": doi, "relatedIdentifierType": "DOI", "relationType": "IsPartOf" } for doi in related_dois] # subjects if subjects: if not isinstance(subjects, list): subjects = [subjects] dc["subjects"] = [{ "subject": sub } for sub in subjects] # misc if kwargs: dc = mdf_toolbox.dict_merge(dc, kwargs) self.dc = dc
[docs] def add_data_source(self, data_source): """Add a data source to your submission. Note that this method is cumulative, so calls do not overwrite previous ones. Arguments: data_source (str or list of str): The location(s) of the data. These should be formatted with protocol. Examples: ``""`` ``""`` ``"globus://endpoint123/path/data.out"`` """ if not isinstance(data_source, list): data_source = [data_source] self.data_sources.extend(data_source)
[docs] def clear_data_sources(self): """Clear all data sources added so far to your dataset.""" self.data_sources = []
# *********************************************** # * Recommended inputs # ***********************************************
[docs] def add_tag(self, tag): """Add a tag or keyword to your dataset. Note that this method is cumulative, so calls do not overwrite previous ones. Note: Setting tags here is equivalent to setting tags in ``create_dc_block(subjects=...)``. This method exists only for convenience. Arguments: tag (str or list of str): The tag(s) to add. """ if not isinstance(tag, list): tag = [tag] self.tags.extend(tag)
[docs] def clear_tags(self): """Clear all tags added so far to your dataset.""" self.tags = []
[docs] def add_index(self, data_type, mapping, delimiter=None, na_values=None): """Add indexing instructions for your dataset. This method can be called multiple times for multiple data types, but multiple calls with the same data type will overwrite each other. Arguments: data_type (str): The type of data to apply to. Supported types are: ``json``, ``csv``, ``yaml``, ``xml``, ``excel``, and ``filename``. mapping (dict): The mapping of MDF fields to your data type's fields. It is strongly recommended that you use "dot notation", where nested JSON objects are represented with a period. Examples:: { "material.composition": "", "dft.converged": "" } { "material.composition": "csv_header_1", "crystal_structure.space_group_number": "csv_header_2" } delimiter (str): The character that delimits cells in a table. Only applicable to tabular data. **Default:** comma. na_values (str or list of str): Values to treat as N/A (not applicable/available). Applies to all values. **Default:** For tabular data, blank and space. For other data, ``None`` (no N/A values). """ # TODO: Additional validation try: json.dumps(mapping, allow_nan=False) except Exception as e: return "Error: Your mapping is invalid: {}".format(repr(e)) index = { "mapping": mapping } if delimiter is not None: index["delimiter"] = delimiter if na_values is not None: if not isinstance(na_values, list): na_values = [na_values] index["na_values"] = na_values self.index[data_type] = index
[docs] def clear_index(self): """Clear all indexing instructions set so far.""" self.index = {}
[docs] def add_service(self, service, parameters=None): """Add a service for data submission. Arguments: service (str): The integrated service to submit your dataset to. Connected services include: * ``mdf_publish`` (publication with DOI minting) * ``citrine`` (industry-partnered machine-learning specialists) * ``mrr`` (NIST Materials Resource Registry) parameters (dict): Optional, service-specific parameters. * For ``mdf_publish``: * **publication_location** (*str*) - The Globus Endpoint and path on which to save the published files. It is recommended to not specify this parameter, which causes the dataset to be published on MDF resources. * For ``citrine``: * **public** (*bool*) - When ``True``, will make data public. Otherwise, it is inaccessible. """ if parameters is None: parameters = True[service] = parameters
[docs] def clear_services(self): """Clear all services added so far.""" = {}
[docs] def set_test(self, test): """Set the test flag for this dataset. Arguments: test (bool): When ``False``, the dataset will be processed normally. When ``True``, the dataset will be processed, but submitted to test/sandbox/temporary resources instead of live resources. This includes the ``mdf-test`` Search index and test DOIs minted with MDF Publish. **Default:** ``False`` """ self.test = test
[docs] def add_organization(self, organization): """Add your dataset to an organization. Arguments: organization (str or list of str): The organization(s) to add. If the organization is not registered with MDF, it will be discarded. Parent organizations will be added automatically. """ if not isinstance(organization, list): organization = [organization] if not self.mdf.get("organizations"): self.mdf["organizations"] = organization else: self.mdf["organizations"].extend(organization)
[docs] def clear_organizations(self): """Clear all added organizations from the submission.""" self.mdf.pop("organizations", None)
# *********************************************** # * Optional inputs # ***********************************************
[docs] def set_custom_block(self, custom_fields): """Set the custom block for your dataset. Arguments: custom_fields (dict): Custom field-value pairs for your dataset. You may add descriptions of your fields by creating a new field called ``[field]_desc`` with the string description inside, or by calling ``set_custom_descriptions()``. """ try: json.dumps(custom_fields, allow_nan=False) except Exception as e: return "Error: Your custom block is invalid: {}".format(repr(e)) self.custom = custom_fields
[docs] def set_custom_descriptions(self, custom_descriptions): """Add descriptions to your custom block. Arguments: custom_descriptions (dict): Custom field-description pairs for your dataset. Field names in this argument must match field names added by calling ``set_custom_block()``. """ try: json.dumps(custom_descriptions, allow_nan=False) except Exception as e: return "Error: Your custom descriptions are invalid: {}".format(repr(e)) for field, desc in custom_descriptions.items(): self.custom[field+"_desc"] = desc
[docs] def set_base_acl(self, acl): """Set the Access Control List for your entire dataset. Arguments: acl (str or list of str): The Globus UUIDs of users or groups that should be granted full read access to the dataset, including records and files. **Default:** The special keyword ``"public"``, which makes the dataset visible to everyone. Warning: The identities listed in the `base_acl` of your submission can always see your submission, including dataset entry, even if they are not listed in the ``dataset_acl``. This means that **if you do not specify a ``base_acl``**, because it defaults to `"public"`, **your entire dataset will be public.** MDF encourages you to make your data public, but if you do not want it public you must specify this value. """ if not isinstance(acl, list): acl = [acl] self.mdf["acl"] = acl
[docs] def clear_base_acl(self): """Reset the base ACL of your dataset to the default value ``["public"]``.""" self.mdf.pop("acl", None)
[docs] def set_dataset_acl(self, acl): """Set the Access Control List for just the dataset entry of your dataset. Arguments: acl (str or list of str): The Globus UUIDs of users or groups that should be granted read access only to the dataset entry for your dataset in MDF Search (this includes the author list, title, etc. but does not include extracted metadata in records or files). Anyone listed in the base ACL already has this permission. """ if not isinstance(acl, list): acl = [acl] self.dataset_acl = acl
[docs] def clear_dataset_acl(self): """Remove all Globus UUIDs from the dataset ACL for your dataset.""" self.dataset_acl = None
[docs] def set_source_name(self, source_name): """Set the source name for your dataset. Arguments: source_name (str): The desired source name. Must be unique for new datasets. Please note that your source name will be cleaned when submitted to Connect, so the actual ``source_name`` may differ from this value. Additionally, the ``source_id`` (which is the ``source_name`` plus version information) is required to fetch the status of a submission. ``check_status()`` can handle this for you. """ self.mdf["source_name"] = source_name
[docs] def clear_source_name(self): """Remove a previously set source_name.""" self.mdf.pop("source_name", None)
[docs] def set_incremental_update(self, source_id): """Make this submission an incremental update of a previous submission. Incremental updates use the same submission metadata, except for whatever you specify in the new submission. For example, if you submit an incremental update and only include a ``data_source``, the submission will run as if you copied the DC block and other metadata into the submission, but with the new ``data_source``. Note: You must still set ``update=True`` when submitting an incremental update. Arguments: source_id (str): The ``source_id`` of the previous submission to update. """ self.incremental_update = source_id
[docs] def add_data_destination(self, data_destination): """Add a data destination to your submission. Note that this method is cumulative, so calls do not overwrite previous ones. Arguments: data_destination (str or list of str): The destination for the data. Destinations must be Globus Endpoints, and formatted with protocol. Example: ``"globus://endpoint123/path/data.out"`` """ if not isinstance(data_destination, list): data_destination = [data_destination] self.data_destinations.extend(data_destination)
[docs] def clear_data_destinations(self): """Clear all data destinations added so far to your dataset.""" self.data_destinations = []
[docs] def set_external_uri(self, uri): """Set an external URI for your dataset. This is used to point at a landing page outside of MDF that also hosts the dataset. Arguments: uri (str): The external URI. """ self.external_uri = uri
[docs] def clear_external_uri(self): """Remove any set external URI from your submission.""" self.external_uri = None
[docs] def create_mrr_block(self, mrr_data): """Create the mrr block for your dataset. This helper should be more helpful in the future. Arguments: mrr_data (dict): The MRR schema-compliant metadata. """ self.mrr = mrr_data
# *********************************************** # * Advanced inputs # ***********************************************
[docs] def set_passthrough(self, passthrough): """Set the dataset pass-through flag for your submission. Caution: This flag will cause metadata from your dataset's files to not be extracted by MDF Connect, so only high-level dataset metadata will be available in MDF Search. *This flag is only intended for datasets that cannot be extracted.* Arguments: passthrough (bool): When ``False``, the dataset will be processed normally. When ``True``, the metadata in the files will not be extracted. **Default:** ``False`` """ self.no_extract = passthrough
[docs] def set_project_block(self, project, data): """Set the project block for your dataset. Intended only for use by members of an approved project. To delete a project block, call this method with ``data=None``. Arguments: project (str): The name of the project block. data (dict): The data for the project block. """ try: json.dumps(data, allow_nan=False) except Exception as e: return "Your project block is invalid: {}".format(repr(e)) if data: self.projects[project] = data else: self.projects.pop(project, None)
[docs] def set_curation(self, curation): """Set the curation flag for this submission. Note: Normally, this flag is set automatically by an organization, and is not set manually by the dataset submitter. Arguments: curation (bool): When ``False``, the dataset will be processed normally. When ``True``, the dataset must be approved in curation before it will be ingested to MDF Search or any other service. **Default:** ``False`` """ self.curation = curation
[docs] def set_extraction_config(self, config): """Set advanced configuration parameters for dataset extraction. These parameters are intended for advanced users and/or special-case datasets. Arguments: config (dict): The extraction configuration parameters. """ try: json.dumps(config, allow_nan=False) except Exception as e: return "Error: Your extraction config is invalid: {}".format(repr(e)) self.extraction_config = config
# *********************************************** # * Dataset submission # ***********************************************
[docs] def get_submission(self): """Fetch the current state of your submission. Returns: *dict*: Your submission. """ submission = { "dc": self.dc, "data_sources": self.data_sources, "test": self.test, "update": self.update } if self.mdf: submission["mdf"] = self.mdf if self.mrr: submission["mrr"] = self.mrr if self.custom: submission["custom"] = self.custom if self.projects: submission["projects"] = self.projects if self.data_destinations: submission["data_destinations"] = self.data_destinations if self.external_uri: submission["external_uri"] = self.external_uri if self.index: submission["index"] = self.index if self.extraction_config: submission["extraction_config"] = self.extraction_config if submission["services"] = if self.tags: submission["tags"] = self.tags if self.links: submission["links"] = self.links if self.curation: submission["curation"] = self.curation if self.no_extract: submission["no_extract"] = self.no_extract if self.dataset_acl: submission["dataset_acl"] = self.dataset_acl if self.incremental_update: submission["incremental_update"] = self.incremental_update return submission
[docs] def reset_submission(self): """Reset and clear metadata from your submission. Warning: **This action cannot be undone.** The last submission's source_id will also be cleared. If you want to use ``check_status``, you will be required to input the ``source_id`` manually. Returns: *dict*: The variables that are NOT cleared, which includes: * **test**: (*bool*) - If the submission is a test submission or not. * **service_location** (*str*) - The URL of the MDF Connect server in use. """ self.dc = {} self.mdf = {} self.mrr = {} self.projects = {} self.set_custom_block({}) self.set_extraction_config({}) self.set_curation(False) self.set_passthrough(False) self.set_incremental_update(False) self.clear_data_sources() self.clear_external_uri() self.clear_data_destinations() self.clear_index() self.clear_services() self.clear_tags() self.clear_links() self.clear_dataset_acl() self.source_id = None return { "test": self.test, "service_location": self.service_loc }
[docs] def submit_dataset(self, update=False, submission=None, reset=False): """Submit your dataset to MDF Connect for processing. Arguments: update (bool): If you wish to submit this dataset again, set this to ``True``. If this is the first submission, leave this ``False``. **Default:** ``False`` submission (dict): If you have assembled the Connect metadata yourself, you can submit it here. This argument supersedes any data set through other methods. **Default:** ``None``, to use method-assembled data. reset (bool): If True, will clear the old submission. The test flag will be preserved. **IMPORTANT**: The ``source_id`` of the submission will not be saved if this argument is ``True``. ``check_status`` will require you to pass the ``source_id`` as an argument. If ``False``, the submission will be preserved. **Default:** ``False`` Returns: *dict*: The submission information. * **success** (*bool*) - Whether the submission was successful. * **source_id** (*string*) - The ``source_id`` of your dataset, which is also saved in ``self.source_id``. The ``source_id`` is the ``source_name`` plus version information. In other words, the ``source_name`` is unique to your dataset, and the ``source_id`` is unique to your submission of the dataset. * **error** (*string*) - Error message, if applicable. """ # If submission not supplied, get from stored values if not submission: # Ensure update set if known resubmission if not update and self.source_id: return { 'source_id': None, 'success': False, 'error': ("You have already submitted this dataset." " Set update=True to resubmit it") } self.update = update submission = self.get_submission() # Check for required data if ((not submission["dc"] or not submission["data_sources"]) and not submission["incremental_update"]): return { 'source_id': None, 'success': False, 'error': "You must populate the dc and data blocks before submission." } # Validate JSON try: json.dumps(submission, allow_nan=False) except Exception as e: return { 'source_id': None, 'success': False, 'error': "The submission JSON is invalid: {}".format(repr(e)) } # Make the request headers = {} self.__authorizer.set_authorization_header(headers) res =, json=submission, headers=headers) # Handle first 401/403 by regenerating auth headers if res.status_code == 401 or res.status_code == 403: self.__authorizer.handle_missing_authorization() self.__authorizer.set_authorization_header(headers) res =, json=submission, headers=headers) # Check for success error = None try: json_res = res.json() except Exception: if res.status_code < 300: error = "Error decoding {} response: {}".format(res.status_code, res.content) else: error = ("Error {}. MDF Connect may be experiencing technical" " difficulties.").format(res.status_code) else: if res.status_code < 300: self.source_id = json_res["source_id"] else: error = ("Error {} submitting dataset: {}" .format(res.status_code, json_res.get("error", json_res))) # Prepare the output source_id = self.source_id if reset: self.reset_submission() # Return results return { "source_id": source_id, "success": error is None, "error": error, "status_code": res.status_code }
[docs] def submit_dataset_metadata_update(self, source_id, metadata_update=None, reset=False): """Submit an update to a dataset entry (and NOT the data or record entries). Arguments: source_id (str): The ``source_id`` of the dataset you wish to update. You must be the owner of the dataset. metadata_update (dict): If you have assembled the dataset metadata yourself, you can submit it here. This argument supersedes any data set through other methods. **Default:** ``None``, to use method-assembled data. reset (bool): If True, will clear the old metadata from the client. The test flag will be preserved. If ``False``, the metadata will be preserved. **Default:** ``False`` """ if not metadata_update: metadata_update = self.get_submission() # Strip off submission pieces not used in update metadata_update.pop("data_sources", None) metadata_update.pop("test", None) metadata_update.pop("update", None) metadata_update.pop("data_destinations", None) metadata_update.pop("index", None) metadata_update.pop("extraction_config", None) metadata_update.pop("services", None) metadata_update.pop("curation", None) metadata_update.pop("no_extract", None) metadata_update.pop("incremental_update", None) # Validate JSON try: json.dumps(metadata_update, allow_nan=False) except Exception as e: return { 'source_id': None, 'success': False, 'error': "The metadata update JSON is invalid: {}".format(repr(e)) } # Make the request headers = {} self.__authorizer.set_authorization_header(headers) res =, json=metadata_update, headers=headers) # Handle first 401/403 by regenerating auth headers if res.status_code == 401 or res.status_code == 403: self.__authorizer.handle_missing_authorization() self.__authorizer.set_authorization_header(headers) res =, json=metadata_update, headers=headers) # Check for success error = None try: json_res = res.json() except Exception: if res.status_code < 300: error = "Error decoding {} response: {}".format(res.status_code, res.content) else: error = ("Error {}. MDF Connect may be experiencing technical" " difficulties.").format(res.status_code) else: if res.status_code >= 300: error = ("Error {} submitting dataset: {}" .format(res.status_code, json_res.get("error", json_res))) if reset: self.reset_submission() # Return results return { "success": error is None, "error": error, "status_code": res.status_code }
# *********************************************** # * Status checking # ***********************************************
[docs] def check_status(self, source_id=None, short=False, raw=False): """Check the status of your submission. You may only check the status of your own submissions. Arguments: source_id (str): The ``source_id`` (``source_name`` + version information) of the submission to check. **Default:** ``self.source_id`` short (bool): When ``False``, will print a status summary containing all of the status steps for the dataset. When ``True``, will print a short finished/processing message, useful for checking many datasets' status at once. **Default:** ``False`` raw (bool): When ``False``, will print a nicely-formatted status summary. When ``True``, will return the full status result. For direct human consumption, ``False`` is recommended. **Default:** ``False`` Returns: If ``raw`` is ``True``, *dict*: The full status result. """ if not source_id and not self.source_id: print("Error: No dataset submitted") return None headers = {} self.__authorizer.set_authorization_header(headers) res = requests.get(self.service_loc+self.status_route+(source_id or self.source_id), headers=headers) # Handle first 401/403 by regenerating auth headers if res.status_code == 401 or res.status_code == 403: self.__authorizer.handle_missing_authorization() self.__authorizer.set_authorization_header(headers) res = requests.get(self.service_loc+self.status_route+(source_id or self.source_id), headers=headers) try: json_res = res.json() except Exception as e: if raw: return { "success": False, "error": "{}: {}".format(e, res.content), "status_code": res.status_code } elif res.status_code < 300: print("Error decoding {} response: {}".format(res.status_code, res.content)) else: print("Error {}. MDF Connect may be experiencing technical" " difficulties.".format(res.status_code)) else: if json_res.get("status", {}).get("active"): active_msg = "This submission is still processing." else: active_msg = "This submission is no longer processing." if raw: json_res["status_code"] = res.status_code return json_res elif res.status_code >= 300: print("Error {} fetching status: {}".format(res.status_code, json_res.get("error", json_res))) elif short: print("{}: {}".format((source_id or self.source_id), active_msg)) else: print("\n{}\n{}\n".format(json_res["status"]["status_message"], active_msg))
[docs] def check_all_submissions(self, verbose=False, active_only=False, include_tests=True, newer_than_date=None, older_than_date=None, raw=False, filters=None, _admin_code=None): """Check the status of all of your submissions. Arguments: verbose (bool): When ``False``, will print a basic summary of your submissions. When ``True``, will print the full status summary of each submission, as if you called ``check_status()`` on each. Has no effect if raw is ``True``. **Default:** ``False`` active_only (bool): When ``True``, will only print active submissions. **Default:** ``False`` include_tests (bool): When ``False``, will only print non-test submissions. **Default:** ``True`` newer_than_date (datetime or tuple of ints): Exclude submissions made before this date. Accepts a ``datetime`` object or ``(year, month, day)`` as integers. Comparisons are made in UTC. **Default:**: ``None``, to set no maximum age. older_than_date: (datetime or tuple of ints): Exclude submissions made after this date. Accepts a ``datetime`` object or ``(year, month, day)`` as integers. Comparisons are made in UTC. **Default:**: ``None``, to set no minimum age. raw (bool): When ``False``, will print your submissions' summaries. When ``True``, will return the full status results. For direct human consumption, ``False`` is recommended. **Default:** ``False`` filters (list of tuples): **Advanced users only** Filters to apply to the status database scan. For a submission to be returned, all filters must match. **Default:** ``None``. Format: (field, operator, value) field: The status field to filter on. operator: The relation of field to value. Valid operators: ^: Begins with *: Contains ==: Equal to (or field does not exist, if value is None) !=: Not equal to (or field exists, if value is None) >: Greater than >=: Greater than or equal to <: Less than <=: Less than or equal to []: Between, inclusive (requires a list of two values) in: Is one of the values (requires a list of values) This operator effectively allows OR-ing '==' value: The value of the field. _admin_code (str): *For MDF Connect administrators only,* a special function code. Valid codes: * ``all``: All submission statuses * ``active``: All active submission statuses Only MDF Connect administrators are allowed to use these codes. **Default:** ``None``, the only valid value for non-admins. Note about date filtering: Days are compared in UTC, at exactly 0:00 (12:00am). This means that the two dates cannot be the same, as they would filter out all submissions not made at exactly 0:00:00 on the chosen date. To see submissions made on a specific date, set the older_than filter one day away from the date in question. For example, to see submissions from Feb 11, 2020, use ``newer_than_date=(2020, 2, 11), older_than_date=(2020, 2, 12)``. Returns: if raw is ``True``, *dict*: The full status results. """ if filters is None: filters = [] if active_only: filters.append(("active", "==", True)) if not include_tests: filters.append(("test", "==", False)) # Date filters if newer_than_date is not None and not isinstance(newer_than_date, datetime): newer_than_date = datetime(*newer_than_date) if older_than_date is not None and not isinstance(older_than_date, datetime): older_than_date = datetime(*older_than_date) # Validate date filters if both present if newer_than_date is not None and older_than_date is not None: # Cannot be the same if newer_than_date == older_than_date: raise ValueError("Date filters cannot be the identical. To see submissions " "made on a specific date, set the older_than filter one day " "away from the date in question.\nFor example, to see " "submissions from Feb 11, 2020, use " "'newer_than_date=(2020, 2, 11), older_than_date=(2020, 2, 12)'.") elif newer_than_date > older_than_date: raise ValueError("newer_than_date must be before older_than_date") if newer_than_date: filters.append(("submission_time", ">=", newer_than_date.isoformat("T") + "Z")) if older_than_date: filters.append(("submission_time", "<=", older_than_date.isoformat("T") + "Z")) headers = {} self.__authorizer.set_authorization_header(headers) body = { "filters": filters } url = self.service_loc + self.all_status_route + (_admin_code or "") res =, headers=headers, json=body) # Handle first 401/403 by regenerating auth headers if res.status_code == 401 or res.status_code == 403: self.__authorizer.handle_missing_authorization() self.__authorizer.set_authorization_header(headers) res =, headers=headers, json=body) try: json_res = res.json() except Exception as e: if raw: return { "success": False, "error": "{}: {}".format(e, res.content), "status_code": res.status_code } elif res.status_code < 300: print("Error decoding {} response: {}".format(res.status_code, res.content)) else: print("Error {}. MDF Connect may be experiencing technical" " difficulties.".format(res.status_code)) else: if raw: json_res["status_code"] = res.status_code return json_res elif res.status_code >= 300: print("Error {} fetching status: {}".format(res.status_code, json_res.get("error", json_res))) else: if not verbose: print() # Newline, because non-verbose won't include one for sub in json_res["submissions"]: if verbose: # Same message as check_status() with extra spacing if sub["active"]: active_msg = "This submission is still processing." else: active_msg = "This submission is no longer processing." print("\n\n", sub["status_message"], active_msg, sep="") else: # Decide if submission failed/succeeded/in processing/etc. if "F" in sub["status_code"]: status_word = "Failed" elif "P" in sub["status_code"]: status_word = "Processing" elif sub["status_code"][-1] == "S": status_word = "Succeeded" elif sub["status_code"][-1] == "X": status_word = "Cancelled" elif sub["status_code"][0] == "z": status_word = "Not started" elif "R" in sub["status_code"]: status_word = "Retrying error" else: status_word = "Unknown" print("{}: {} - {}".format(sub["source_id"], ("Processing" if sub["active"] else "Not processing"), status_word))
# *********************************************** # * Curation # ***********************************************
[docs] def get_curation_task(self, source_id, summary=False, raw=False): """Get the content of a curation task. You must have curation permissions on the selected submission. Arguments: source_id (str): The ``source_id`` (``source_name`` + version information) of the curation task. You can acquire this through ``get_available_curation_tasks()``. summary (bool): When ``False``, will print the entire curation task, including the verbose dataset entry and sample records. When ``True``, will only print a summary of the task. **Default:** ``False`` raw (bool): When ``False``, will print the curation task. When ``True``, will return a dictionary of the full result. Overrides the value of ``summary``. For direct human consumption, ``False`` is recommended. **Default:** ``False`` Returns: if raw is ``True``, *dict*: The full task results. """ headers = {} self.__authorizer.set_authorization_header(headers) res = requests.get(self.service_loc+self.curation_route+source_id, headers=headers) # Handle first 401/403 by regenerating auth headers if res.status_code == 401 or res.status_code == 403: self.__authorizer.handle_missing_authorization() self.__authorizer.set_authorization_header(headers) res = requests.get(self.service_loc+self.curation_route+source_id, headers=headers) try: json_res = res.json() except Exception as e: if raw: return { "success": False, "error": "{}: {}".format(e, res.content), "status_code": res.status_code } elif res.status_code < 300: print("Error decoding {} response: {}".format(res.status_code, res.content)) else: print("Error {}. MDF Connect may be experiencing technical" " difficulties.".format(res.status_code)) else: if raw: json_res["status_code"] = res.status_code return json_res elif res.status_code >= 300: print("Error {} fetching curation task: {}" .format(res.status_code, json_res.get("error", json_res))) elif summary: task = json_res["curation_task"] print(self.curation_summary_template.format( source_id=task["source_id"], submitter=task["submission_info"]["submitter"], waiting_since=task["curation_start_date"], extraction_summary=task["extraction_summary"])) else: task = json_res["curation_task"] # TODO: Are the dataset and record entries human-useful? # task.pop("dataset") # task.pop("sample_records") print(json.dumps(task, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
[docs] def get_available_curation_tasks(self, summary=True, raw=False, _admin_code=None): """Get all curation tasks available to you. Arguments: summary (bool): When ``False``, will print the entire curation task, including dataset entry and sample records. When ``True``, will only print a summary of the task. Using the summary is recommended to find specific tasks to get full task information on using ``get_curation_task()``. **Default:** ``True`` raw (bool): When ``False``, will print out summaries of your available curation tasks. When ``True``, will return a dictionary containing the results. For direct human consumption, ``False`` is recommended. **Default:** ``False`` _admin_code (str): *For MDF Connect administrators only,* a special function code. Valid codes: * ``all``: All waiting curation tasks. Only MDF Connect administrators are allowed to use these codes. **Default:** ``None``, the only valid value for non-admins. Returns: if raw is ``True``, *dict*: The full task results. """ headers = {} self.__authorizer.set_authorization_header(headers) res = requests.get(self.service_loc+self.all_curation_route+(_admin_code or ""), headers=headers) # Handle first 401/403 by regenerating auth headers if res.status_code == 401 or res.status_code == 403: self.__authorizer.handle_missing_authorization() self.__authorizer.set_authorization_header(headers) res = requests.get(self.service_loc+self.all_curation_route+(_admin_code or ""), headers=headers) try: json_res = res.json() except Exception as e: if raw: return { "success": False, "error": "{}: {}".format(e, res.content), "status_code": res.status_code } elif res.status_code < 300: print("Error decoding {} response: {}".format(res.status_code, res.content)) else: print("Error {}. MDF Connect may be experiencing technical" " difficulties.".format(res.status_code)) else: if raw: json_res["status_code"] = res.status_code return json_res elif res.status_code >= 300: print("Error {} fetching curation tasks: {}" .format(res.status_code, json_res.get("error", json_res))) # Check that results were returned elif len(json_res["curation_tasks"]) < 1: print("You have no open curation tasks.") elif summary: print() # Newline for spacing for task in json_res["curation_tasks"]: print(self.curation_summary_template.format( source_id=task["source_id"], submitter=task["submission_info"]["submitter"], waiting_since=task["curation_start_date"], extraction_summary=task["extraction_summary"])) else: for task in json_res["curation_tasks"]: # TODO: Are the dataset and record entries human-useful? # task.pop("dataset") # task.pop("sample_records") print("========== {} ==========".format(task["source_id"])) print(json.dumps(task, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) print("\n") # Double newline
def _complete_curation_task(self, source_id, verdict, reason, prompt=True, raw=False): """Complete a curation task by accepting or rejecting it. You must have curation permissions on the selected submission. Note: This method is intended to be used through ``accept_curation_submission()`` and ``reject_curation_submission()``, as those methods are more explicit, although the internal logic is almost identical. Arguments: source_id (str): The ``source_id`` (``source_name`` + version information) of the curation task. You can acquire this through ``get_available_curation_tasks()``. verdict (str): "accept" or "reject" to accept or reject the submission. reason (str): The reason for accepting/rejecting this submission. **Default:** ``None``, to use a generic reason. prompt (bool): When ``True``, will prompt the user to confirm action selection, with a summary of the selected task. When ``False``, will not require confirmation. **Default:** ``True``. raw (bool): When ``False``, will print the result. When ``True``, will return a dictionary of the full result. For direct human consumption, ``False`` is recommended. **Default:** ``False`` Returns: if raw is ``True``, *dict*: The full task results. """ # Validate verdict verdict = verdict.strip().lower() if verdict not in self.default_curation_reasons.keys(): error = ("Verdict '{}' is invalid. Valid verdicts are: {}" .format(verdict, self.default_curation_reasons.keys())) if raw: return { "success": False, "error": error } else: print(error) return # Check that curation task exists task_json = self.get_curation_task(source_id, raw=True) if task_json["status_code"] == 404: error = task_json.get("error", "Curation task not found") if raw: return { "success": False, "error": error } else: print(error) return elif task_json["status_code"] >= 300: default_error = "MDF Connect may be experiencing technical difficulties." error = ("Error {} fetching curation task: {}" .format(task_json["status_code"], task_json.get("error", default_error))) if raw: return { "success": False, "error": error } else: print(error) return # Prompt user to confirm, if requested if prompt: print("Are you sure you want to {} the following submission?".format(verdict)) self.get_curation_task(source_id, summary=True) prompt_response = input("\nConfirm {}ing submission [yes/no]: ".format(verdict)) if prompt_response.strip().lower() != "yes": error = "Curation cancelled" if raw: return { "success": False, "error": error } else: print(error) return elif not reason: reason = input("\nWhat is the reason for {}ing this submission?\n\t" .format(verdict)).strip() if not reason: reason = self.default_curation_reasons[verdict] # Submit verdict command = { "action": verdict, "reason": reason } headers = {} self.__authorizer.set_authorization_header(headers) res =, headers=headers, json=command) # Handle first 401/403 by regenerating auth headers if res.status_code == 401 or res.status_code == 403: self.__authorizer.handle_missing_authorization() self.__authorizer.set_authorization_header(headers) res = requests.get(self.service_loc+self.curation_route+source_id, headers=headers, json=command) try: json_res = res.json() except Exception as e: if raw: return { "success": False, "error": "{}: {}".format(e, res.content), "status_code": res.status_code } elif res.status_code < 300: print("Error decoding {} response: {}".format(res.status_code, res.content)) else: print("Error {}. MDF Connect may be experiencing technical" " difficulties.".format(res.status_code)) else: if raw: json_res["status_code"] = res.status_code return json_res elif res.status_code >= 300: print("Error {} fetching curation task: {}" .format(res.status_code, json_res.get("error", json_res))) else: print("\n", json_res["message"], sep="")
[docs] def accept_curation_submission(self, source_id, reason=None, prompt=True, raw=False): """Complete a curation task by accepting the submission. You must have curation permissions on the selected submission. Arguments: source_id (str): The ``source_id`` (``source_name`` + version information) of the curation task. You can acquire this through ``get_available_curation_tasks()``. reason (str): The reason for accepting this submission. **Default:** ``None``, to use a generic acceptance reason. prompt (bool): When ``True``, will prompt the user to confirm action selection, with a summary of the selected task. When ``False``, will not require confirmation. **Default:** ``True``. raw (bool): When ``False``, will print the result. When ``True``, will return a dictionary of the full result. For direct human consumption, ``False`` is recommended. **Default:** ``False`` Returns: if raw is ``True``, *dict*: The full task results. """ return self._complete_curation_task(source_id, "accept", reason, prompt, raw)
[docs] def reject_curation_submission(self, source_id, reason=None, prompt=True, raw=False): """Complete a curation task by rejecting the submission. You must have curation permissions on the selected submission. Arguments: source_id (str): The ``source_id`` (``source_name`` + version information) of the curation task. You can acquire this through ``get_available_curation_tasks()``. reason (str): The reason for rejecting this submission. **Default:** ``None``, to use a generic rejection reason. prompt (bool): When ``True``, will prompt the user to confirm action selection, with a summary of the selected task. When ``False``, will not require confirmation. **Default:** ``True``. raw (bool): When ``False``, will print the result. When ``True``, will return a dictionary of the full result. For direct human consumption, ``False`` is recommended. **Default:** ``False`` Returns: if raw is ``True``, *dict*: The full task results. """ return self._complete_curation_task(source_id, "reject", reason, prompt, raw)